VK2WI Weekly News, 18th April 1993. Copyright 1993 WIA (NSW) and contributors. Extracts from this bulletin may be used elsewhere provided the source is acknowledged. VK2WI Weekly News Bulletin for 18th April 1993 THE MAJOR NEWS ITEMS THIS WEEK Did You Get Your Annual Report? Meet the Candidates Ballot Papers for Council Elections Uganda on the Air Fox Hunting on TV ARSENE Undergoing Pre-Launch Checks Power Games DIVISIONAL NEWS The Division's Annual Report for 1992 was inserted into the April issue of "Amateur Radio" magazine, mailed to members before Easter. However,it seems that the Annual Report missed being inserted in some members' copies of "AR". If you did not receive an Annual Report with your "AR", please WRITE to or FAX the Divisional Office, and a copy will be sent out to you. Write to PO Box 1066, Parramatta, NSW 2124, or send your fax to (02) 633-1525. MEET THE CANDIDATES At the Divisional Council meeting of 15th April, it was resolved that a "hustings", would be held at which members could meet candidates for the next Divisional Council. The meeting will be held at Amateur Radio House this Wednesday evening, 21st April, during the normal opening hours of 7 to 9pm. This is your chance to better understand and discuss the policies of the candidates; we urge all members to take advantage of this opportunity. BALLOT PAPERS FOR COUNCIL ELECTIONS The ballot papers for the election of Divisional Councillors for 1993-94 have been prepared by the Returning Officer, Peter O'Connell VK2EMU, and will be posted to members over this coming week. The posting of ballot papers was advised on page one of your Annual Report, which was inserted in the April issue of "AR" magazine, posted to members the week before Easter. Please read the instructions carefully, and make sure you understand them, before filling out the ballot paper and returning it. You must register a vote for NINE candidates -- no more, no less -- else your ballot paper will be declared invalid. The full agenda for the Annual General Meeting of the Division is included with the mailing. Just a reminder -- the AGM will be held on Sunday, the 9th of May, at Amateur Radio House, 109 Wigram Street, Parramatta, commencing at 2.00 pm. (The Divisional News items this week were from Bob Lloyd-Jones VK2YEL, Divisional Secretary) The next Divisional Council meeting will be after the AGM, on Friday 14th May. DX NEWS Paul VK6PY tells us (via Daron Cook VK2MMR) that Ugandan station Bruno 5X1A will be looking for VK and ZL contacts on 10 metres, this evening (18th April), and possibly next Sunday the 25th. Bruno will be active on a frequency of 28.380 MHz, starting from 0930 UTC. His QSL information is Box 3316, Kampala, Uganda. African stations tend to be a bit rare on the bands, and thos specifically looking out for VKs even more so. Once again, look out for Bruno 5X1A, this evening, and possibly next Sunday evening, starting at 0930 UTC (7:30pm local time) on a frequency of 28.380 MHz. -- Thanks to Daron VK2MMR for that DX tip GROWTH IN JAPANESE AMATEURS The number of Amateur Radio operators in Japan had reached almost one and a quarter million by September last year. With 1,242,550 stations licensed, Amateurs represented nearly one-sixth of all radio and communications stations licensed in Japan at the time. In the three months between June and September. the number of Amateur licensees grew by 20,336 - that's more than the total Amateur population of Australia! -- Roger Harrison VK2ZTB FOX-HUNTING ON TV The publicised fox hunting feature on Channel 9's Wide World of Sports (Sports Sunday) program has been deferred nearly as often as the STS-55 mission... Andrew VK3KIR tells us the segment will probably go to air next weekend. The seven and a half minute segment sounds rather tongue in cheek, as it features a stuffed fox named Basil who comically appears in quite a few shots, checking out what the VK3s get up to. For up-to-date information, call contact Andrew VK3KIR on (018) 354-644. SPACE NEWS Bernard F6BVP reports that the ARSENE satellite is undergoing pre-flight tests at the Eurpoean Space Agency Space Centre in Kouru, French Guiana. The Radio Amateur Club de l'Espace team members Gerard F6FAO and Didier F6GXY are assisting ESA engineers during integration phase. The satellite is scheduled for launch on 30 April, between 00:52 UTC and at 01:50 UTC. Bill Magnusson VK3JT will have details on ARSENE, in his AMSAT column of "Amateur Radio" magazine. -- Bernard F6BVP POWER GAMES Colin VK2DYM tells us that a recent FCC survey of the homes of a number of American Amateurs revealed local field strengths of up to 9 volts/meter. Colin say these levels should be enough to keep the neighbours warm all winter!! Manufacturers and importers of electronic consumer goods are using the survey findings to lobby for reduced Amateur power levels, so they don't have to do so much on EMI suppression for their products. They're pushing for maximum field strengths of no more than 0.9 v/meter, which corresponds to an Amateur power level of only 10 Watts. Meanwhile, ARRL Bulletin number 40 reports that the American Federal Communications Commission turned down an Amateur's request to run more than the legal power limit. Dale Gagnon KW1I had applied to operate on AM at a PEP power more than 1,500 Watts output. In denying the request, the FCC said that Gagnon had "not shown that his circumstances are unique nor [had he] presented any facts that would warrant a waiver." WICEN NEWS Don't forget that WICEN renewals are now due, and you must renew by 30th September, otherwise your membership will expire. WICEN Sydney South meets on Tuesday, and WICEN Sydney North's AGM is on Wednesday at Ku-Ring-Gai SES. Please note that there is a "typo" in the Sydney North posting; the AGM is on the 21st, not the 20th as indicated. On Anzac Day 25th April, Hunter WICEN will be providing communications assistance for the Newcastle Anzac Day Parade. Alan Hargreaves VK2KVF is coordinating this event, to provide the safety and communications net. Please contact Alan on (049) 52-5322 if you can assist. Looking ahead, the annual Goulburn Conference is on the weekend of 15-16th May, and all WICEN personnel are invited to attend. Also on the same weekend is a Car Rally in the Central Coast area, and Dave VK2UDT is looking for volunteers. A Disaster Management Course is on the weekend of 22nd-23rd May, for which Barry VK2AAB is taking applications. WICEN is always looking for members to provide the community with communications assistance when required. Write to WICEN (NSW) Inc, PO Box 123, St Leonards 2065; or come up on the regular Sydney WICEN net, on Thursday nights at 9.30pm on repeater 7150. -- Dave VK2KFU, WICEN Publicity Officer IPS WEEKLY REPORT 8 April - 15 April 1993 Issue no.: 16 Date of issue: 16 April 1993 Date 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 10cm 143 136 126 119 103 97 92 88 A 19 21 17 09 14 19 17 (23 est.) T 97 80 103 85 97 84 53 46 Summary of activity Solar activity was very low to low over the entire period. The geomagnetic field at Learmonth (WA) was quiet to active on 8th April, quiet to minor storm levels on the 9th, unsettled to active on the 10th. Conditions were quiet to unsettled on the 11th, quiet on the 12th, at active to minor storm levels on the 13th, unsettled on the 14th, and quiet to active on the 15th. Ionospheric F2 critical frequencies at Sydney were near predicted levels on the 8th and 9th, enhanced by up to 30 per cent early on the 10th, then near normal again on the 11th and 12th. They were near normal on the 13th until dawn, when depressions of up to 30 per cent were observed through to the end of the period. Strong spread F was observed at night on the 9th, and again during night on the 10th. Forecast for the next week (16 - 22 April) Solar: Low until the 19th, then low to moderate. Geomagnetic: Unsettled to active on the 16th. Active to minor storm levels on the 17th and 18th. Quiet to unsettled thereafter. Ionospheric: Frequencies depressed by 5-20 per cent on the 16th, depressed 10-30 per cent on the 18th and 19th. Near predicted monthly values otherwise. -- Courtesy of IPS Radio and Space Services COMING EVENTS Royal Naval ARC meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONDAY Gladesville ARC Annual General Meeting . . . . . . . MONDAY WICEN Sydney South meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . TUESDAY WICEN Sydney North AGM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEDNESDAY "Meet the Candidates" at Parramatta . . . . . . . WEDNESDAY WIA (NSW) Divisional Council meeting . . . . . . . THURSDAY International Marconi Day . . . . . . . . . . . . SATURDAY ANZAC Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUNDAY Newcastle ANZAC Day Parade (WICEN) . . . . . . . . . SUNDAY Sydney Hills District classes begin . . . . . . . 27 April STS-57 "Endeavour" (SAREX) active . . . . 28 April - 5 May ARSENE Amateur Satellite scheduled launch . . . . 30 April St George ARC exam applications close . . . . . . 30 April Mid South Coast ARC meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 May WIA (NSW) Annual General Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . 2 May St George ARS Annual General Meeting . . . . . . . . . 5 May Fisher's Ghost ARC exam applications close . . . . . . 5 May WIA (VK2 Division) exam applications close . . . . . . 6 May Parramatta ARC first meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 May WICEN (NSW) Executive Committee meeting . . . . . . . 8 May St George ARC exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 May WIA (NSW) Divisional Council meeting . . . . . . . . 14 May WICEN Coordinators Conference at Goulburn . . . . 15-16 May CLUB NEWS The New South Wales chapter of the ROYAL NAVAL AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY will hold its monthly meeting at the home of Les VK2ALH, on Monday 19th April, starting at 10:30am. All members and interested parties are invited to attend. For details, please ring Casey on (02) 520-4424. -- Casey VK2CWS Members of the GLADESVILLE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB are reminded that their deferred Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday night, 19th April, at the usual venue. The MID SOUTH COAST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB will hold its quarterly family gathering, barbeque, and meeting on Saturday, 1st May. The venue is the Hancock Ranch, Little Forest Road, Milton. Turn inland off the Prince's Highway 3 kms north of Milton and follow the "H" Ranch signs. The lub provides barbeque facilities, tea, coffee, and afternoon tea. Why not bring the whole family? -- Ben VK2AJE, Honorary Secretary NEW RADIO CLUB A new club for Amateur Radio and Electronics enthusiasts is being established in Parramatta, and will hold its first meeting on Friday, 7th May, at Amateur Radio House, 109 Wigram Street Parramatta. The meeting starts at 7pm, and a ver ywarm welcome is extended to everyone who cares to come along, whether they be current enthusiasts, or just interested in what the club has to offer. The brain-child of the Wigram Street Amateur Radio Class of 1992, the new club will fill a real need in Parramatta and surrounding districts. It will provide an opportunity for Electronics and Amateur Radio enthusiasts to meet and share some of the more practical aspects of the hobby. Come to the PARRAMATTA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB meeting on 7th May at 7pm, at 109 Wigram Street, Parramatta, and share your hobby with other enthusiasts. -- Danny Brem VK2TAU The CAIRNS AND TABLELANDS AMATEUR RADIO CLUBS advise us that their Far North Queensland Biennial Convention will take place this year, between the 24th and 26th September, at Trinity Beach, about 15 minutesdrive from Cairns. If you plan to be up that neck of the woods in late September, and you'd like to attend the convention, you can write to the clubs at PO Box 1215, Cairns 4870. BROADCAST ROSTER Next Sunday morning: Ian VK2WR and Dave VK2KFU Next Sunday evening: Bob VK2JHR and Peter VK2CZX Don't forget you can meet the candidates for the next Divisional Council this Wednesday evening. The Divisional Office is open from 11am to 2pm, Monday to Friday, and 7 to 9pm Wednesday nights. The phone is answered from 12 noon to 1pm during the day, and you can leave a message on the answering machine outside these hours. News highlights are also available on the divisional voice mailbox on (02) 552-5188, and you can leave a message afterwards if you wish. Items for inclusion in this bulletin may be sent by mail to Post Office Box 1066, Parramatta 2124; by fax on (02) 633-1525, or by packet radio to "VK2WI at VK2RWI", to reach us by 7pm on the Friday prior to the broadcast. VK2WI Weekly News, 18th April 1993. Copyright 1993 WIA (NSW) and contributors. Extracts from this bulletin may be used elsewhere provided the source is acknowledged.